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The Harmony Test
By Richard Molloy

A world premiere in the Hampstead Theatre studio in 2023.



Pearl Chanda

Bally Gill

Jemima Rooper

Sandro Rosta

Milo Twomey


Direction: Alice Hamilton

Set and Costume: Sarah Beaton

Lighting: Jamie Platt

Sound: Harry Blake

Photography: Richard Lakos


Hamilton handles the play’s emotional ups and downs with finesse, allowing sadness to creep gradually into the happy home. When it arrives, sorrow is palpable and devastating’ (Dave Fargnoli, The Stage ****)


‘Pearl Chanda and Bally Gill’s chemistry as the young soon-to-be parents is quietly gorgeous, tightly knit by Alice Hamilton’s unfussy direction.’ (Alexander Cohen, Broadway World ****)

‘Hamilton directs the 95-minute piece with great empathy, and gives the storytelling its necessary contrasts between loud and energetic scenes and more meditative moments, whose sadness is clearly articulated.’ (Aleks Sierz, Arts Desk)



Pearl Chanda and Bally Gill
Bally Gill and Milo Twomey
Pearl Chanda

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